Saturday, January 14, 2006

I hate everything about you!

I have written two list of things that I like. I have listed my favorite movies, books, hobbies, and even some of my friends. I think that I'll list some things that piss me off. Let's start with twenty.

1. I hate morbidly obese fat people. It's not like the weight snuck up on you. I can see picking up say, 50 lbs because you don't working out when it's cold and you sat around all winter. I can even understand laziness. But when you get so fat that you can't reach every part of your body when you are bathing, that's disgusting. And no, running water over the area doesn't count. Neither does using a long handled brush.

2. People who don't bathe or brush their teeth. Now I admit, I don't bathe every single day. Nor do I brush my teeth every day. Sometimes things get in the way or you run out of time. I have two small kids and you wouldn't believe how fast time runs out with kids around.

However, nasty ass people who for a week or more without bathing AND brushing their teeth are just fucking nasty. I used to have a friend named James. He was like that. He looked clean for the most part, but he always had a cloud of funk following him around. He was so nasty that one time while we were camping we made him leave his socks outside the tent in the grass. As this was early summer, the grass was a vibrant beautiful green. The next day the grass near his socks was dead withered and brown. That's fucking nasty. He also had green teeth. His breath didn't smell as bad as you would imagine, although it was a little mossy ...

3. I hate people who hate gays because "it's wrong" or a "sin". Who cares? Unless you are sleeping with someone of the same sex or you lover is, then why should it be a concern of yours? Even if it is a "sin", why worry about it? You don't care when people have sex outside of marriage, cheat on thier spouse, or get divorced for stupid reasons. Why should you care that people of the same sex have sex with each other? That's stupid, pigheaded, and wrong. Leave people alone unless you want me in your bedroom telling you what you can and cannot do.

4. I hate people who vote without researching the candidates or issues. Don't vote Republican or Democrat. Vote for the PERSON who you think will do the best job. I think that political parties are against the concept of democracy and should be demolished. Let people stand and be judged on their own merits and not on their party's.

5. Careless drivers. Put your cellphone up. Pay attention to the road. Use your blinker, but turn it off when you're done. Look before you change lanes. The speed limit is a minimum, but please don't go more than 10 miles over it. When someone turns on a blinker, let them in. If they try crowding you out of the way without a blinker, let them hit you, it's their insurance after all. When the light turns green go. Accelerate SWIFTLY up to the speed limit so that the cars behind you can also make it through the intersection before the light changes. If you want to turn, then turn. Don't coast along for a half block because you have a turn up ahead. Use your blinker. Follow the flow of traffic.

6. Rap. I hate rap and everything about rap, it's effect on our culture, and it influence in the media and our language. Rap isn't music, it's anti music. It's so bad that it actually lowers the IQ. This has been proven through tests. Who was the last intelligent rapper that you heard of? Never? That's right. How many successful rappers have an education or can speak intelligently?
Ebonics is a joke. It's a slang language for lazy stupid people who wanna sound cool. It's dumb. There is no reason that this should even be considered as a subject for school. It's stupid and so are the people who speak it or consider it a valid "language". This is America, speak English. Especially if you are born and raised here. Stupid.

Baggy pants that can't stay up, guady chains and rings, hats canted off to one side, jumping cars, pimped out whatever. These are all stupid. Fucking bling-bling... someone shoot me...

7. Rascism. I don't care what color anyone is. I judge people by their style of dress, the intelligence of their speech, their attitude, their hygiene, and their attractiveness. I feel that poor people are poor regardless of their race and that having different standards for different races is the difinition of rascism. Stop giving handouts to people because of the color of their skin. And stop crying rascism when things don't go your way. Who cares what happened to your great grandparents parents? It was tragic, but it happened well over 100 YEARS AGO. Give it some rest and move on with your worthless lives!

8. People who are always depressed. "I'm so alone... Poor me..." If you don't like your life then either change it or end it. I don't care which. Instead of bitching about how miserable you are, find ways to be happy. No one likes depressed people. They're depressing. Fix whatever is wrong in your life. Quit waiting for someone else to come clean up the mess that is you, it won't happen. Think about things before you do them, especially things like contracts, employment, and children. If you don't, then please kindly remove yourself from the genepool.

9. Smokers and smoking. Not only is smoking nasty and extremely harnful to the smoker and everyone around them, it is also one of the most addicting drugs that you can get, right up there with heroin. But it's still legal because the tobacco companies have WAY too much money. Smokers are the most selfish people in the world. They don't care that you don't smoke. Even if they smoke away from you they still carry the nicotine on their skin, their clothes, their breath. It forms a cloud around the smoker, much like the funk from #2 above. Nasty.

10. People who hate and insult things without taking the time to try and understand them. Most people have not tried roleplaying but they hate it. Why? Not only does it not have any harmful effects, it's actually a quite beneficial recreation that is tailored to the individuals playing it. Tattoos are artwork, not a proclamation of prison time. Cops are here to protect you, sometimes from yourself. Murder is wrong, killing is not.

11. Our justice system. How is it that murderers and rapist are getting released early from prison? How do people die from old age while on death row? Why do they get tv and exercise equipment? What happened to punishment?

12. Disciplining kids. Please discipline your kids. Teach them rules and enforce them. Be strict. Don't back down to a child. Let me discipline my kids and I will do the same for you. Thank you.

13. Child abusers should be tortured and killed. Enough said.

14. Chat room lingo. Use English or whatever language you are from. "Your" has a whole TWO MORE LETTERS than "ur". TYPE THEM! You lazy fucking bastards. It's your own intelligence that your letting slip away. How can you bear to be this stupid?

15. Stupid people. By this I don't mean people with low IQs. I know a few and they're o.k. I mean the people who do stupid shit all the time and wonder why their life is so hard. Usually these people fall into one or more of the above catagories.

16. Rapist. People who sexually prey on other people. I believe that a 1st time offense should be a mandatory ten year sentence in a shitty prison with mean abusive guards. A second offense would be castration or the removal of the clit (women rape too). A third offense is death. A serial rapist would receive all three punishments, starting with castration.

17. Death Row. How do people last more than a year or two on death row. Death row as it stands is nothing more than a life sentence without possiblity of parole. No wonder it's useless. Grow some balls and start killing off people.

18. Bad customer service. Treat the customer like you would want to be treated. Be nice, polite, and well mannered at all times while at work. This is not hard. If you see something wrong, fix it. If someone asks you something that you don't know, find the answer and get back to them immediately. Don't epect a tip if you can't make the customer genuinely happy.

19. People who apologize incessantly, especially when they ask you something. Ask me or go away. I don't wanna waste my time while you apologize for asking a question 8 times without ever asking me anything. GRRR!!! I wanna punch you in the face!!

20. People who lie and cheat blantantly and for no reason. Enough said.


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