Monday, January 09, 2006

Cool Beans

Wow! I am so completely stoked! I just became the editor for the roleplaying website Gamegrene which I've been writing for a little over a year now.

I have only four articles published on Gamegrene in the past year. Most of that is due to the fact that the owner of the website, Morbiss Iff, is far too busy with a new baby and other matters to edit the articles. The Editor that he had, Sal, had to quit. Therefore, when I volunteered to help I was made editor.

I finally feel like I am starting to becaome appreciated for my intelligence and skills. At work I've been nominated and accepted into the Proffesional Developement Commision, helping set up services for other employees. I'm also on the verge of being accepted in the Awards and Recognition Commitee as well. This is all in addition to my normal work load!

This was a great day!


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