Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Rambling Rant

O.k., the bad news is that Sal is back and I am no longer editor for Gamegrene. Morbus Iff, the owner of Gamgrene, would rather use an experienced person than have to train a new one. The good news is that articles will start being published again on Gamegrene. So maybe I lit a fire somewhere...

I had me appendix taken out Dec 8th. It's been almost a month now and I can't seem to do anything without hurting myself. I'm out of shape and 30, but I'm not fat and I hate not being able to do anything. I got a free elliptical machine from my in-laws and I can't use it until Thursday at the soonest. The way things have been going, even that will be too much for me.

I get to roleplay tonight, so that's good. Maybe I'll work off some of my stress and anger in the game. At least there I can still perform as well as I could before the surgery. I don't have to worry about hurting my stomach while swordfighting, or running, or walking for more than a block. There I don't have to worry about the weight I'm gaining through forced inactivity and swelling caused by overexertion. I don't have to worry about having only two pair of pants that fit me due to weight gain and the insecurity and self conciousness that comes with getting a gut. O.k., so maybe I am getting fat, but I will get rid of it asap! GRrrrr!!!

Onto better things...

I got to hang out with my friend Dawn this Sunday and I had a blast. Her and my wife talked knitting and her husband Grant and I talked roleplaying. We played Scene-It and a card game called Man Bites Dog. Man Bites Dog is a card game where the players get 5 cards and have to come up with Newspaper Headlines. They can get pretty funny at times... I think that my 1st one, "Bored Czar marries 340 lbs General" was one of the better ones.

My wife gets mad when I win games like Scene-It or Cranium. She feels that if I win then other people won't want to play. I don't believe in competition for competitions sake. I feel that it doesn't matter who wins as long as everyone is having fun. I don't like playing games with my friends Charles and Lara because they cheat in favor of each other. They do this so that one of them will win and they do it blantantly, not caring if they upset the other people that they are playing with.

I don't do that. I just happen to know a lot of trivia and I get lucky. I shouldn't get in trouble for that.

Back to Dawn. I have a few regrets in my life. I regret not skipping high school and going straight to college. I regret not sticking with martial arts. I regret not getting into football until after the new millennium started.

One of my regrets is that I didn't date Dawn when I had the chance to. I was too immature and hormonal. I couldn't imagine how a Good Girl like her and a Bad Guy like me could make things work without her losing that Goodness. I'm using capitals on Goodness because Dawn is the epitome of Good. She really is the best person that I know. I didn't date her because I didn't want to corrupt her Goodness.

I'm kinda glad at the way things turned out though. I believe that if we had dated, then we wouldn't be the friends that we are now. She married a great guy, one of my best friends, they are completely happy with each other and they really are made for one another.

I'm happy for them and I truly love having them as friends. Actually, our families are so close that they feel more like family to me than friends. Like I said, it's just a small regret that I have from time to time...


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