Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Well, I trashed my new van already. I had it just long enough for the temp tags to expire (they expired because the Dealership screwed up the tax rate on the financing, can you believe that?) when I slide off the road during a snowstorm and into a tree.

I was on my way to a video store and I was approaching the corner. I was only doing thirty in a 45 and I started breaking a full block and a half away. I slide up one of the pedestrian sidewalk ramps and dead on into a tree. Stupid tree...

I was only doing 5 MPH or so when I hit. The airbags didn't twitch and even my setbelt was too relaxed to make an effort. I barely even rocked forward. But I managed to do $5.5k damage to the front end of our van. What a load of crap... Aren't these vehicles supposed to be able to take 5 MPH worth of damage on their bumpers?

Anyways, I missed two days of work because of this crap and today I've been busy catching up, so this is all I had time for. Sorry...

The good news is that I am now running a roleplaying game via blog. Check my profile to find it and have fun reading it. I'm trying to keep it in story mode as much as possible so that other people can enjoy it too.


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